Hubungan Kekurangan Energi Kronik (Kek) Pada Ibu Hamil Dengan Berat Badan Dan Panjang Badan Bayi Baru Lahir Di Desa Medan Krio
CHD, Birth Weight, Birth LengthAbstract
Pregnant women who experience Chronic Energy Deficiency (CHD) are at risk of giving birth to babies with LBW. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CHD) in pregnant women with the weight and length of newborns in Medan Krio Village, Medan City. The type of research used correlative analytic method with cross sectional design on 40 pregnant women with SEZ in Medan Krio Village in October-December 2022 with consecutive sampling technique. Data were analysed using Spearman correlation test and linear regression with p value <0.05 considered statistically significant. The results showed there was a significant relationship between maternal SEZ status and birth weight with a value of p=0.001 and r=0.493, and there was no significant relationship between maternal SEZ status and birth length with a value of r=0.260 and p=0.105. The conclusion of this study is that the nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy affects the birth weight of the baby. It is recommended for health workers to conduct IEC on the importance of preparing, maintaining and fulfilling the nutritional needs of mothers during pregnancy to optimise fetal growth and development.