Pendidikan Kesehatan Tentang Gaya Hidup Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe Ii Di Rumah Sakit Tk II Putri Hijau Medan
Diabetes Mellitus, Lifestyle, Health EducationAbstract
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition characterized by the presence of characteristics in the form of high blood sugar (glucose) levels. Glucose that accumulates in the blood due to not being absorbed by the body’s cells properly can cause various disorders of the body’s organs. A healthy lifestyle is a factor that affects health such as a healthy diet, learn about portions, ensure a balanced diet, stop smoking, check feet, avoid alcohol, regular checkups. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of health education about lifestyle in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at TK II Putri Hijau Hospital, Medan. The design of this research is descriptive with two respondents who suffer from type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The results of this study obtained that health education can be applied in a lifestyle with the results of an increase in appetite in respondents I and II with an increase in body weight of 1 kilo gram. Conclusion: health education can increase weight if applied properly. Suggestion: people with Diabetes Mellitus are expected to always pay attention to the treatment program carried out by means of a healthy lifestyle.